Purchase Order Metal Costs are used for initial values used on future purchase orders written.
Retail Metal Costs are used to set MSD (more information to follow).
Review a product and metal cost plug in for adjusting the DEFAULT purchase order cost.
Path – Product Management, Inventory Master
productid – 100002
Review METAL AUDITS child usage
Review contact information maintenance and usage.
Usages in SF are still being modified for content and security and the review of this section will not be training per se.
SUPPLIER will be converted from Universe (VEND.MST).
New SUPPLIERs and updates to existing SUPPLIERs will be done through accounting (by accounting and through the accounting application) except for:
Purchase order address, phone, fax, email and contact information (CONTACTS or SUPPLIERADDS)
CONTACTS or SUPPLIERADDS will be converted from Universe (VEND.MST).
CONTACTS or SUPPLIERADDS for new SUPPLIERs may be entered by accounting.
Updates to CONTACTS or SUPPLIERADDS will be done by merchandising for purchase orders and other non-remittance addresses.
At this time, CONTACTS or SUPPLIERADDS information will be printed on purchase orders as they are at the time the purchase order is printed or re-printed, i.e., one vendor should not have multiple CONTACTS or SUPPLIERADDS for different purchase orders, else the CONTACTS or SUPPLIERADDS used a specific purchase may be wrong when reprinted.
Path – Purchasing, Maintenance, Supplier Files
Supplier Contacts, Supplier Mail to Addresses, Supplier Contact Categories
Metal Purchase Agreements
Usages not yet provided.
Will be converted and initially entered for new SUPPLIERs by accounting, but can be changed in Smartforms on SUPPLIER, i.e., by a buyer or in merchandising.
Are NOT variable on POMASTER; what is printed on a purchase order is what is set as the metal purchase agreement on the SUPPLIER at the time the purchase is printed/reprinted and if the metal purchase agreement is changed on the SUPPLIER it will be different than the original purchase when re-printed.
Payment Terms
Will be converted and initially entered for new SUPPLIER by accounting, but can be changed in Smartforms on POMASTER, i.e., by a buyer or in merchandising, but cannot be changed in Smartforms on SUPPLIER for new/future default payment terms.
Review purchase orders:
Review creation of purchase order header (POMASTER).
Path – Purchasing, Purchase Orders
Form mode, +
Select vendor in Supplier Name
Enter Request Ship Date
Review PO Notes child usage.
Form mode, +
Add notes.
Save record.
Refresh screen (F5)
Add a purchase order product.
Review how METALINFO and INVENTORYMASTER metal cost information interact to update purchase order cost.
Discuss how a purchase can be updated after being issued to lock in metal purchase agreement ACTUAL metal cost.
Set purchase order to Approved
Review formatted purchase order Line mode.
Select purchase order.
Review receiving:
Path – Warehouse Management, Key Rec
KeyRec entry/update
Path – Warehouse Management, Receiving
Review purchase order comments.
Review how metal cost plug in to update receiving cost.